Enrolling at CCC
Enrolling for 2025
Follow the links below, to fill out the enrolment form, and request a spot.
After submitting your form, please be patient while our team processes your request. This can take up to 5 or more days. You will receive an email when all requests are finalised, explaining the next steps.
New Families & Children
If you’re new to CCC use this form to register. This form is also for new siblings of our current families.
Please complete one form for each child.
Additional Days For Current Families
For existing families looking to add extra days to current bookings please complete this form.
Other Forms
Child Healthcare Plan
If your child has any dietary or medical requirements that we need to know about please complete this form and email it to the Centre.
Extra-curricular Activities
Complete this online form when your child is attending extra-curricular activities, hosted by another business, during their Coogee Care session. We need your permission to sign them out.
Direct Debit
Direct Debit authorisation completed via Xplor