Fees and Payments
Coogee Care is a family-run, not-for-profit service, and fees are kept as low as possible while ensuring excellent education and care. Our fees are reviewed annually to ensure the Centre continues to offer premium care and activities.
A flat fee is charged per session of Before School, After School and Vacation Care.
Our fees current as of 8th July 2024 are:
Before School Care (Permanent and Casual): $15.42
After School Care (Permanent and Casual): $25.00
Vacation Care (including incursions and Excursions): $61.92
Administration Fee : NIL
Un-notified absence fee : $10.00
Late pickup fee : $20.00 per child after 6:00pm, additional $20.00 for every subsequent 10 min period
Annual membership fee : $10.00 / family. Charged each calendar year, payable at the time of enrolment.
A permanent place is one that has been allocated to a child for a twelve-month period, excluding vacation care. Two weeks’ notice is required for changes or cancellations.
Casual places can be requested by email. If we are fully booked at the time of request, you will be put on a waitlist and notified if a place becomes available. Note that Coogee Care has very limited casual places.
Un-notified Absence: If children are not attending a booked for After School Care, you must notify the Centre by 2.30pm on the day of attendance. You can do this in your Xplor App. Failure to do this means we treat your child as missing. This will result in an un-notified fee on your account.
For Before School and Vacation Care, we appreciate email notification of absences, so that another family may use your space. The session fee will still apply.
Notifying the school, does not notify the Centre, we run an independent administration office and business.
Late Fee: The Centre closes at 6:00pm. A late fee is charged for children who are collected after 6:00pm. Late fees are calculated on the spot & are determined by the time the child is signed out.
Statements are emailed on Mondays, fortnightly.
Payment is required in full within 7 days of the statement being issued. Failure to pay due fees within 14 days may result in the cancellation of care. Please read our Policy and Procedures for more information. (See section : Payment of Fees and Provision of Fee Statements)
Direct Debits are processed every Thursday of statement week.
Direct Debit is the preferred method of payment. You can get the process started by visiting Xplor. Forms are also available from the Centre.
If you are unable to set up a Direct Debit, or need to direct deposit funds, please email us at info@coogeecarecentre.org.au.
Child Care Subsidy (CCS)
Coogee Care is an Approved Provider for Child Care Subsidy (CCS) purposes.
Further information about CCS is available on the Services Australia website.